Getting into university seems like a must these days, with everyone desperately trying to secure a spot. However, in Singapore’s context, especially for polytechnic graduates, university degrees can appear somewhat optional. So, is a university degree truly essential?
Why is a university degree mandatory?
A university degree is becoming almost mandatory because, as education levels rise, more people are entering universities. When obtaining a degree becomes the norm, not having one can make it difficult to secure a job.

Most employers consider your educational background when you first start, with some specifically requiring university degrees. Consequently, everyone is striving to get a degree.

Why is a university degree optional?
However, some polytechnic students might feel that going to university is pointless if they are pursuing the same course they studied in polytechnic. The similarities in the curriculum and syllabus can make them question the value of a university degree.

Additionally, university education is expensive. For Singaporean citizens, local university fees are already around $8,000 a year, and the cost is even higher for private or overseas universities. By entering the workforce as polytechnic graduates after their internships that provide real work experience, they can start earning money sooner, making the decision to skip university may seem more appealing.

Are university degrees mandatory or optional?
With varying opinions on the necessity of university degrees, the final answer depends on several factors. It largely hinges on the specific course of study and whether university is suitable for your career aspirations.
If pursuing university seems redundant because you would essentially be studying the same material, it may be prudent to forego it unless the course or job requires a degree.

On the other hand, if you feel that university isn’t suitable for you and working is a more viable option, then pursuing a career directly might be the better choice.
If affordability is a concern, opting for a part-time degree allows you to work while studying.
It’s important to remember that university is not the ultimate goal; rather, prioritise pursuing what aligns with your interests and ambitions.
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