Think of a number from 1-3. Start today with a tarot reading to pysch you up for all the possibilities while avoiding potential pitfalls ahead. Once you have chosen a number, head on further down to get a reading and obtain some insights with us today.
With the ongoing pandemic, we are all currently in the “belly of the whale” doing whatever we’re choosing to do and waiting to be tossed back out into the sea. Utilising archetypes and symbols, tarot cards can help us acclimate to the broader storyline of what we might be going through and why.
If You Chose #1

The general theme for those who choose 1 is about exploring and learning new skills. You have come all the way from conceptualising to planning and now you are in the midst of executing a particular idea/project. You are ready to give it your very best. You will be asked to put in hard work, dedication and will be tested. In this process, you will learn many new knowledge and sharpen your skills to achieve certain level of mastery. Establishing a good schedule and have foresight will be bonus.
For relationship matters, the past is lingering in the background for many. For some, past lovers are exercising some influence on your current relationship. For others, it might be about wanting to recreate past experiences with your current partner as one of you yearn for nostalgia. There is a good chance for those who are single to rekindle romance with childhood friends or exes.
In terms of work and money matters, you might be in a situation where you are at a truce or at a crossroads with a difficult situation. Some might choose to avoid the whole issue by denying the existence of it. A possible step forward is to have more facts through thorough research to make an informed decision. At times, the best decision might hurt the most but it is the best one based on facts and figures (usually the most difficult one).
If You Chose #2

For those who choose 2, the general theme of this month is about manifestation. With the Magician card, the universe is signalling that the time has come for you to bring forward your desired outcome. You have what it takes to achieve success so what are you waiting for? Establish a clear vision of what you will create and be focused and attentive to your goals. A good way to do so is to come up with a detailed plan. Lastly, make your attention clear to the universe.
For relationships, there will be lots of actions. You can expect your love life to be exciting, but also erratic and adventurous. For those that are single, you will be eager to look for potential suitors outside of your social circle. You will have good chance to meet someone that is passionate and charming. You will also have a great time dating and feel young and alive. Enjoy and have fun!
For money and work matters, congratulations as you are rewarded for your hard work and conscientious effort to do right and good. For those who hasn’t, the universe will like to nudge you to incorporate more discipline and efficiency in your approach towards work and money. For some of you, look for advice from others, be it your superiors or friends who are money savvy. They will be able to guide you to the right path.
If You Chose #3

The theme of the month is about making the choice to stay and focus on your issues instead of running away. For many who choose this set of cards tend to take a “flight or fight” approach when cornered with a problem. There is also a possibility that you are suspecting someone in your life that is lying or hiding something from you. The universe will like to remind you that running away or hiding is not a permanent solution. You can try to solve the problem bit by bit or probe the person slowly. Taking a honest approach is always the better option.
For romance wise, your confidence and optimism will attract good fortune with potential suitors or current partner. It can be a good time to discuss about life goals or make plans about the near future as the star card usually indicates hopes and goals. The cards also indicate that you are growing and healing from past experiences to become a better and mature lover. It is good omen for all.
For money and career wise, there seems to be a big decision to be made that might make or break your career or money growth. Hence, it is essential for you to execute caution and make informed choices before committing to them. The good news is that there will be one that stands out more than the other however the one that looks right might not be the right one. Ultilise all your senses and focus on making the right call.
This article was brought to you by Yu Xian (@the_soul_atelier). A big Foodie, Astrology is my Bible, Tarot is my voice. Crystals are my baby.