Think of a number from 1-3. Start today with a tarot reading to pysch you up for all the possibilities while avoiding potential pitfalls ahead. Once you have chosen a number, head on further down to get a reading and obtain some insights with us today.

With the ongoing pandemic, we are all currently in the “belly of the whale” doing whatever we’re choosing to do and waiting to be tossed back out into the sea. Utilising archetypes and symbols, tarot cards can help us acclimate to the broader storyline of what we might be going through and why.
If You Chose #1

In the month of December, you have to beware of people and work on keeping yourself accountable to whatever you have promised. You will realized that there are people with hidden agendas lurking in the dark corner. Similarly, are you harboring bad intentions and being dishonest? Such actions and thoughts will be discovered and confronted. There will be people or incidents that will call out these thoughts and actions. The cause could be you or the other party feeling inferior and wanting to avoid friendly competition to achieve what is desired. The obstacle seem to be the inability to communicate or work together to achieve a common goal or reward.
With the imminent presence of Judgement, this suggests that rewards, justice or punishment will be meted out justly. For those who have a guilty conscience, it is best that you do something to make up for it. For those who has been let down by others, you will get the justice you are looking for. With regards to relationships, it is important to have your guts and intuition up. Make use of this opportunity to work out problems with your partner or family. Arguments or fights do not necessarily have to conclude badly. The Universe will like to tell you that you can embrace your true self and authenticity of your relationship. You will be granted the revelation of what is real and what is an illusion. As a result, you will evolve to the next level.
If You Chose #2

You are entering the month of December on the high note. It seem like all your hopes and dreams are coming true and you are extremely pleased with yourself. However, it is important not to be complacent and remain disciplined so it will truly manifest. However, there is a lingering thought within you that is asking “ what is next?”. There are many paths ahead and you are still unsure which is the right one or you are simply being greedy as you would like to embark on multiple tracks. It is important that you relinquish people’s expectations of you and focus on what feels right and is right. This is good time to seek advice from mentors and work on building structures and systems to frame your mind and options. You will be able to get a clear picture and stay un-wavered till you hit success.
With regards to relationships, good news is coming and you are at a state where you are contented with the current state and optimistic about what is upcoming. You might even question if it is even a dream as everything seems to be perfect. For those that are single, you will meet someone who will ground you and is willing to pamper you. The one that is holding back is likely yourself as you are distracted by your other wants and being stubborn about finding the perfect one. For some of you, wedding bells could be ringing as you have cleared most of the issues with your other half and you look to achieve long term stability and commitment as the next step.
If You Chose #3

In the month of December, you will be busy attending parties, meetups with old friends and colleagues or work appointments. You will be in deep contact with your soul family. You will be escalating your social network in the direction you envisioned. It seems like you are walking away or evolving out from your current social circle to venture into a new direction. The current or newly past social circle appear to be too small or misfit for your current state. Growth is never easy but you seem to be enjoying this adventure. The Universe will like to assure you that this venture will bring you lots of opportunities to learn and lay the foundation to you finding your life purpose and happiness. You have to be patient as the fruit of labour will be worthwhile.
With regards to relationships, there will be more opportunities to head out and rekindle your romance with your other half as it seem like you haven’t been putting much effort. It could be good to recreate past dates to reminisce the past and you will be surprise how far and how much both of you have gone through. I do see a progress in all relationships in general in terms of strength. For those that are single, there will be someone entering your life that is recommended by your friends in a social setting. However, you might not have moved on from your past relationship so you are not emotionally ready. It is best to take things slowly to strategize and formulate.
This article was brought to you by Yu Xian. A big Foodie, Astrology is my Bible, Tarot is my voice. Crystals are my baby.