With Christmas being very close to Chinese New Year (it’s on 1st Feb 2022 by the way), this also means that you might not have enough time to burn off the calories you gained during Christmas.
If your new year resolution is to lose weight, then this year might not be the year. Just a short one month plus away, Chinese New Year will be right round the corner. It will be an add-on feasting galore, but fret not. Here are some exercises that you can do without visiting the gyms, especially right after bursting your budget on presents and other delicious food.
1) Jumping Rope (lose 667-990 calories per hour)

Yes, you are right. It is a blast from the past where you played jump rope with your friend. But did you know that jumping rope is actually great for developing coordination, calf and ankle strength, posture and cardiovascular endurance? In simple words, jumping rope is great for your body development. It is recommended to go slow and do it in 20- to 30-second bursts. Once you get the hang of it, you can increase the speed and duration to burn more calories.
2) Running (lose 566-839 calories per hour)

One of the reasons why running is an effective weight loss exercise is due to the amount of effort required to push your weight off the ground with every stride. If you’re just getting started, you can opt for alternating with intervals of light jogging or walking. Running at a strong and steady pace, you will continue to burn extra calories over the rest of the day.
3) Stairs (lose 452-670 calories per hour)

Maybe instead of taking the lifts, you can consider taking the stairs back home instead. For those who live on the higher floors, this is great cardio. Taking the stairs will definitely help burn the necessary calories to support your weight loss journey.
Besides fat loss, climbing the stairs daily can help to lower cholesterol and boost your anaerobic fitness. If you want to burn those fats even faster, consider holding a light dumbbell or weighted item in each hand.
These few exercises are really simple and do not require you to spend any money. The best part is that you can do these exercises anytime and anywhere. Which also means that you can start doing these few exercises and burn off that calorie before the Chinese New Year feasting begins. What are you waiting for? Start today before you lose the motivation!
This article was brought to you by Williek.