The Monster In The Mirror is a local production that tackles the important issue of mental health. Seen by an audience of more than 11,500, the hugely successful 2021 musical film The Monster in the Mirror received rave reviews from audiences and fellow artists alike is now live in theatres till 27th May 2023.

The show takes audiences on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the challenges of accepting who we are through the eyes of Jane, played by Sharon Sum.
With relatable performances and catchy songs, The Monster In The Mirror is worth watching especially amongst the tech savvy generation that consumes content on social media on a daily basis.
The songs in The Monster In The Mirror were memorable, with meaningful lyrics that complemented the themes and messages of the show. “Sink/Swim“, a song from the production, tugged at heart strings as it delved into the deeper and more complex emotions caused by the challenges each individual faces in life.
Drawing on the wide use and effect of social media, strained relationships between family members, fighting with your best friend, envying the popular kids in school and even being bullied by your peers, these are themes brought to life by the musical that we can relate to when we were in school.
The Monster In The Mirror tackles current issues head-on, exploring the struggles that students face while growing up. The show’s message highlights the importance of accepting who we are and to seek help when we need it.
The production conveys this message in a powerful and poignant way, that left us feeling empathetic and glad that the message of self-love is brought up through this musical.
However, the musical may seem abit rushed as many themes were briefly touched on the surface level as it was compacted to fit a 90mins run time. Some of the issues faced by the characters could have been developed further for better closure.
Overall, The Monster In The Mirror is a compelling production that shines a light on an important issue facing youths in Singapore today. If you’re looking for a show that is relatable and funny catchy songs, The Monster In The Mirror is the perfect choice this May.