Food will always be part of Singapore’s heritage. There is no doubt that Singaporeans love food, be it any cuisine. We are always looking for new and interesting food to try. There have been several food fairs held here in Singapore such as food expos, bazaars and Artbox.

Sadly, due to the pandemic, such fairs can no longer be held for the time being. However, lucky for us, Eatbox will be opening permanently at Tekka Market in September of this year!
Eatbox by Invade
Before the pandemic, Eatbox was held at Downtown East, attracting a large number of people. The event was help over two weekends from February to March 2020 with a huge number of stalls, with a wide range of food items to choose from.

There were hipster food almost everywhere. Some stalls include The Naughty Corner selling unique flavoured gelato such as Chili Crab Gelato and Limetta Cheesecake. Many people also enjoy their Bubble Wrap waffles that comes as a cone with their gelato. Other stalls include Egg Stop, Kazo – Taiwanese bakery, Beef Bro and D’bun.

EatBox at Tekka Market
From September 2021 onwards, Eatbox will be operating permanently at Tekka Market. For those of you who miss this highly anticipated food fair, you can now head over to Tekka Market anytime you want to get your hands on some hipster food offered by vendors.

The boutique version of Artbox will take up 9000 square feet at Tekka Place, Annex Building, bring you the first ever creative food hall. The food hall will not only be filled with good food but vibrant, instagrammable corners.
I am pretty sure many would visit the food hall once it opens. I am pretty excited to. Head over to Eatbox’s Instagram page and look out for more updates! Also do not forget to share this with your family and friends.
Eatbox: 2 Serangoon Road, Singapore 218227