This perennial debate between passion and pay sparks varied opinions. In my assessment, both are indispensable, as each contributes uniquely to a fulfilling life, and here’s why. In our materialistic society where financial stability is crucial, having a steady income is essential to meet various obligations.
Such obligations that come with adulthood include housing, supporting parents, raising children and funding their education. Thus, having a good salary is undeniably significant.

However, how long can you sustain in a high-paying job that lacks personal fulfillment? Personally, I couldn’t endure a career in a field like computer science, despite a lucrative salary, as passion is essential for enjoying daily tasks. Life’s too short to waste time on stuff you don’t enjoy.

Therefore, here are some ways to find a balance between passion and pay.
Firstly, your well-paid job should be tolerable, meaning you don’t hate it. This way, you can stick with it longer and earn the money you need. Once you’ve saved up enough, you can then use that money to pursue your passion.

Secondly, rather than strictly following your passion, consider integrating it into your career. You don’t have to pursue it exclusively. For instance, if your passion is drawing, you could explore careers like graphic design, which involves drawing alongside other skills, rather than solely focusing on drawing.

Thirdly, consider having a side hustle. While your high-paying job takes priority, allocate time for your passion as well, but within limits. Use your free time to pursue your passion, gaining experience and skills along the way.

Ultimately, the balance between passion and pay is a personal decision. However, before making any choices, it’s essential to ask yourself if the path you’re considering is truly worth it.
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