Most people tend to focus on one type and only one type of exercise that they feel they are suited for. However, not all exercises will suit everyone, as some people might have higher metabolism than the others. Especially from December to January, some might worry that their Chinese New Year clothes they have bought might not fit anymore as they have been binge eating during Christmas. Here are some genres of exercise you should know about:

Endurance activities increase your breathing and heart rates. It helps you to improve your fitness level and definitely keeps you healthy. You can go for a brisk walk, jog, dance, swim, bike, climb a few flights of stairs or playing some sports. Endurance exercises also helps improve the health of your heart, lungs and circulatory system.

Strength exercises helps you to stay independent and makes your everyday feel much easier. People usually associate this form of exercise as weightlifting. However, there are other variations where people can use resistance bands as a substitute to weights. You can choose to work out with weights in the gym or at home with resistance bands as both help in keeping your muscles strong and eventually improve your balance as well.

Exercises such as Tai Chi or balance walks are the perfect form of exercise to improve your balance. It usually involves strengthening your lower body strength and is especially good for those who have weak lower body strength and are prone to falls. If you feel that you always trip and fall easily, this exercise may be the perfect one for you.
Stretching is very important and you should stretch before and after an intensive exercise session. Improving your flexibility through stretch exercises will allow you to move freely without any restriction. Not only that, they would also help to prevent any muscle ache or soreness in the future.
If you are adventurous enough, you can schedule all theses exercises into your workout routine so that you are able to fully burn those calories. Or maybe you can use this to find out which exercise suits you best, so that you can look good and feel good for Chinese New Year without worrying about your relatives calling you chubby.
This article was brought to you by Williek.