Think of a number from 1-3. Start today with a tarot reading to pysch you up for all the possibilities while avoiding potential pitfalls ahead. Once you have chosen a number, head on further down to get a reading and obtain some insights with us today.

With the ongoing pandemic, we are all currently in the “belly of the whale” doing whatever we’re choosing to do and waiting to be tossed back out into the sea. Utilising archetypes and symbols, tarot cards can help us acclimate to the broader storyline of what we might be going through and why.
If You Chose #1

The month of September will not be as smooth sailing as you thought. You might be at a point of unexpected changes and it does not sit well with your plans and emotions. You might feel that you are riding against a humongous wave, feeling helpless with the circumstances you are in regardless of how much effort you have put in or are willing to put in.
The feeling of bitterness and betrayal is unavoidable. However, the Universe creates obstacles like these for obvious reasons. It is vital that you have faith in your abilities and manage the situation for the best. The message from the Universe is to start planning ahead, apply strategies to minimize and mitigate loss.
For relationship matters, there seem to be cheaters around you or your partner might be harbouring secrets from you. Hence, it will be wise to raise your defense level and trust your mind over your heart. There is no wrong in utilizing your intelligence and wisdom to steer course from potential pitfalls but be cautious to not misuse them to do nasty things. Remember to stay low and remain confident.
If You Chose #2

The month of September will encompass happy occasions and you will attain emotional and spiritual fulfillment. You might have been praised by your clients or superiors for a job well done. For some, you might get a chance to meet up and reconnect with your family members or friends you haven’t seen for a bit. These moments enrich your soul and remind you what it truly feels like to be emotionally satisfied and why we humans are communal species.
The Universe would like to remind you that in the midst of enjoyment and celebration, you should not neglect the reality of life and responsibilities. Remember to do your household chores after a long night out of partying. Remember to turn up for work and school on time too! Watch your pocket too in case you end up overspending on champagnes.
Lastly, things seem to be doing fine right now but this is not the end of the journey. The celebration right now is just a midstop and could be temporary. There are still obstacles and challenges ahead and you have to channel your courage and determination to steer you through the 2nd half of the journey.
If You Chose #3

September is bringing you a lesson on choices, partnerships and to a certain extent, communication. This is an excellent time to work on your working relationship with your colleagues, coworkers and bosses. Utilise this opportunity to kick start new relationships too! In addition, to build and maintain good relationships, communication is vital.
Have you been stating your needs and wants? Have you been listening closely to the others? For a certain group of you, you might be at a crossroad to make a choice in life. It is vital to take a balanced approach to evaluate the options. There will not be a perfect choice but there will always be a “better” one. Decide to the best of your ability and go headstrong without “what ifs”.
The Universe would like to remind you that there is magic in the world and you have to believe in possibilities for lady luck or magic to manifest. Relax a little and be excited about the present and future. Having the fiery and optimistic energy will help you to achieve your goals as you will attract like-minded individuals that will assist you in overcoming your issues along the way. The Universe will like to assure you that she has your back!
This article was brought to you by Yu Xian. A big Foodie, Astrology is my Bible, Tarot is my voice. Crystals are my baby.