The time now is 2am and you’re hungry. For most Singaporean we turn to our favourite instant noodle brands such as Maggi, indomie or even NongShim but if you’re like me and looking for something a little bit more adventurous you can always up your maggie game.
Here are my personal favourite ways to turn it up:

Bobo’s ready to eat sausages is cheap, delicious and can be found at a convenience store or supermarket near you, plus you can store it at room temperature. Instructions are easy to follow, simply just twist and pull them apart and you can add them into your noodles while it’s still cooking. These sausages can be bought on shopee for $33.00 per box or $1.15 per piece.

7/11 Hanjuku eggs ($2.50) are something that shouldn’t be missed, albeit a tad expensive. A great protein to add into your noodles, 7/11’s hanjuku eggs are perfectly-cooked onsen-style eggs that is soaked in a Japanese marinade which taste just like soya sauce. Get them at your nearest 7/11 outlet here. If you are not a big fan of boiled eggs, try adding a sunny side up to further enhance flavours instead.

Do you enjoy spicy food that makes your stomach churns? If so, Lao Gan Ma ($5.90) is a great addition for those who enjoy spicing up their dry instant noodles. Lao Gan Ma is a staple for most Chinese household. Main ingredients includes dried chili, onion, garlic fermented soy seeds and peanuts each all making up a unique and unforgettable taste.

Sliced cheese is a perfect add on to comforting Korean noodles. Think Korean Army Stews or Kimchi Noodles. Cheese adds an extra layer of creaminess into the soup and is inexpensive and most importantly, tasty. Personally my favourite kind of sliced cheese is Kraft Singles ($4.95) which can be found in most supermarkets.

Ayam Brand ($2.55) strikes again. Time to provide your body with essential nutrients such as Omega-3, iron and vitamin B. Readily available and precooked straight in a tin can, this ready-to-eat delicious goes great with bread but you should definitely try them with your instant noodles instead. I assure you that you won’t regret it.

Furikake is found commonly in Daiso and each packets costs $2. This Japanese seasoning is mostly used for rice and onigiris but can be also used for noodles. Most furikake contains Egg, sesame, seaweed, salmon and bonito shavings and will add an extra depth to your noodles.
These are some of the ways I use to spice things up the plain old instant noodles! So, what kind of ingredient do you prefer the most? Feel free to share your thoughts!
This article was brought to you by Han. I pretend to be broke in order to stay wealthy, yet I’m not wealthy.