As the postponed Olympic draws near, the sports fans across the world are once again riled up and ready to support their favourite athlete. We all know the standards sports in Singapore, but there are some unique ones that have popped up in Singapore. Let us take a look at some of these unique sports.
1. Bossaball

Want to add some challenge to your volleyball game? Why not add 3 more elements to make it more difficult. Bossaball combines the elements of volleyball, soccer, acrobatics and capoeira (Brazilian martial art) into one extremely fast paced game. The team sport is played with 2 teams of 4 players each, and their aim is to ground the ball on the opponent’s field. Sounds easy enough right? But you’re going to have to do this while jumping on an inflatable and with your main hitter jumping on a trampoline!

Their entire playing field is inflatable so it is completely portable and movable! So you can check them out for your next bonding event or family fun time!
You can contact them at their website here, or their Facebook here.
2. Underwater Hockey

Tired of doing your hockey on land? Why not add the element of water in the game and watch the sport evolve. The Singapore chapter of Underwater Hockey was started by the Stirling Underwater Hockey Club Singapore, which trains at the Queenstown Swimming Complex.
The game is played by 6 players in the pool with 4 players on the bench. Players use short sticks to hit a plastic-coated lead puck (weighing about 1.5kg) that is placed at the bottom of the pool. The main aim is to shoot the puck into the opponent’s goal, which is a shallow trough 3m long with a slope for the puck.
You can contact them at their website here, or their Facebook page to learn more and try your hands on this exciting unique sport.
3. Kabaddi

Kabaddi, a sport that originated from India, is a contact sport consisting of 2 teams of 7 players each. The goal is to tag out as many players as possible from the opposing team, while dodging the tackles from the opponents, all while holding your breath. :O The Kabaddi Association Central Singapore is the group that helps to promote the playing of this unique sport in Singapore.
You can find out more about what the association does at their website here, or you can also approach them on their Facebook here to know more about their training and locations.
4. Indoor Skydiving

We all saw our favourite spies jump from planes, and our commando buddies doing their jumps for training. But what if you can do that on land? Indoor Skydiving has been around since iFly Singapore opened its doors, and there is a whole community out there that are honing their skills in the wind tunnels. They train at iFly Singapore, where they flip and spin in the tunnel with wind speeds that mimic actual skydiving speeds.

Fun fact: Kyra Poh, Singaporean indoor sky diving athlete, has been representing Singapore at Global Indoor Skydiving competitions, and has bagged over 30 medals and has 4 Guinness World Records.
Try if for yourself to see if this sport might just be for you to. You can head on down to iFly’s website here for more information.
There are so many ways to keep fit and have fun in Singapore! So explore around and see what fits you!